Born in 1982
Professional painter. Lives and works in France and Morocco.

Artistic education :
-Studied graphic arts at Maximilien Vox high school, Paris.
-Studied interior design at the National School of Applied Arts Duperré, Paris.
-Conservatory of Fine Arts of Fresnes.

Presentation :
Azddin Amdaa comes from the fields of graphic arts and architecture. He has worked in the art and visual communication industry for many years as an associate in communication agencies.


Artistic Approach :
Trained in the pure tradition of academic drawing and architecture, Azddin Amdaa uses traditional techniques to question the world around him and explore art in a time of great confusion. The artist attempts to rebuild the codes of traditional aesthetics that modern art deconstructs. The reference to figurative art is always visible, even when his style is more abstract.

Artistic Vision

My artistic approach is akin to a spiritual quest, in which I invite the viewer to reflect on the place of humans in nature, as well as what remains of nature within humanity. My artistic creations explore the interplay between this manifested, mystical nature, whose origin is abstract to us, and the very real impact that humans have on it. How can we become actors in our environment without thinking of ourselves as the center of the world? In terms of imagery, I strive to bring meaning out of chaos, which materializes as a search for abstraction that ultimately gives way to figurative forms.

"Il n’y a réellement ni beau style, ni beau dessin, ni belle couleur : il n’y a qu’une seule beauté, celle de la vérité qui se révèle."
Auguste Rodin

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